XVI International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
October 12-15, 2009, Tomsk, Russia
Author's Index
Author: Dolgii S.I. (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia)
List of reports:
- O.E. Bazhenov, V.D. Burlakov, S.I. Dolgii, A.V. Nevzorov
Trends of variations of total ozone content over Tomsk in 1997-2009
- Kharchenko O.V, Burlakov V.D., Dolgii S.I., Nevzorov A.V., Romanovskii O.A.
Retrieval of ozone concentration profiles from data of sensing with lidar on the basis of fourth harmonic of ND:YAG laser with Raman conversion
- V.D. Burlakov, S.I. Dolgii, A.P. Makeev, E.V. Makienko, A.V. Nevzorov, A.V. Elnikov
State of stratospheric aerosol layer in 2006-2009 according to data of lidar observations in Tomsk